Rosebud Challenge Week 5, Day 36 – Social Butterfly

Today is Sunday and The Prospero’s are going to take a field trip to the park.

Starting Funds: §73,119

Babay Forbes wakes up Rosabelle and Pawel at 4am. Rosabelle feeds and changes him.

Baby Forbes wakes up Rosabelle and Pawel at 4am. Rosabelle feeds and changes him.

Pawel head to the kitchen to start breakfast (§10). There is one of the painting Rosabelle painted at the museum yesterday. Their funds are now §73,109 simoleons.

Pawel heads to the kitchen to start breakfast (§10). There is one of the paintings Rosabelle painted at the museum yesterday. Their funds are now §73,109 simoleons.

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Rosebud Challenge Week 5 – Day 35

The Prospero’s welcomed Baby Forbes into the family last night and they know they have a few sleepless nights ahead of them with a new baby. At least today is a Saturday so Fortuna doesn’t have school and Rosabelle is on Family Leave from work.

Starting Funds: §64,234

Rosabelle wakes up to Baby Forbes screaming. She breast feeds him and then uses the computer.

Rosabelle wakes up to Baby Forbes screaming. She breast feeds him and then uses the computer.

Fortuna wakes up and helps herself to breakfast leftovers.

Fortuna is also up and eating a breakfast of leftovers.

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Rosebud Challenge Week 5 – Day 33

Rosabelle is now in her second trimester of her pregnancy and she is also working on evolving and grafting plants in her garden to make even more simoleons. Fortuna is now a “B” student and hopefully she will gain the “A” level soon.

Starting Funds: §50,499

Fortuna wakes up having to pee so badly she is jumping up and down, although that shouldn't be helping her. She goes to use the bathroom.

Fortuna wakes up having to pee so badly she is jumping up and down, although that shouldn’t be helping her. She goes to use the bathroom.

Rosabelle wakes up after Fortuna and the pregnancy is really bothering her today. She uses the bathroom and showers off.

Rosabelle wakes up after Fortuna and the pregnancy is really bothering her today. She uses the bathroom and showers off.

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Rosebud Challenge Week 5, Day 32 – Definitely Pregnant

Rosabelle and Pawel were woken up to a midnight surprise pregnancy! Pawel wants a boy so he has bought a stereo so Rosabelle can listen to alternative music which he has heard can influence a male gender. Fortuna is doing in well in both school and her aspiration, which are both areas she needs to succeed in, in order for her to have to most successful financial future. The family drive for a million simoleons has been passed down to the next generation!

Starting Funds: §43,562

Rosabelle woke up early feeling sick.

Rosabelle woke up early feeling sick.


She rushes to the bathroom and throws up from morning sickness.

She rushes to the bathroom and throws up from morning sickness.

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Rosebud Challenge Week 5, Day 31 – Sick Again?

Rosabelle and Pawel had a “happy ending” to their night and Rosabelle slept with the happiest look on her face. Today is going to turn out a bit differently than expected.

Starting Funds: §38,662

Fortuna wakes up first again this morning and she uses the bathroom before heading for breakfast.

She grabs the last serving of eggs and is able to get away with watching some tv since her parents are  still asleep.

She grabs the last serving of eggs and is able to get away with watching some tv since her parents are still asleep.

Rosabelle wakes up and cooks more scrambled eggs §10, their funds are now §38652 simoleons.

Rosabelle wakes up and cooks more scrambled eggs §10, their funds are now §38652 simoleons.

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Rosebud Challenge Week 5 – Day 30

Today is Monday, the start of a new week and the start of school for Fortuna!

Starting Funds: §31,940

Fortuna wakes up first and uses the bathroom before going to eat breakfast.

Pawel joins her at breakfast and Fortuna enthuses about going to her first day of school.

Pawel joins her at breakfast and Fortuna enthuses about going to her first day of school.

Afterwards, Fortuna ponders chess moves on the chessboard for focus before school and Pawel browses art on the web for inspiration for work. Rosabelle wakes up late since today is her day off, she uses the bathroom and showers off.

Then she goes to tend and harvest the garden.

Then she goes to tend and harvest the garden.

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Rosebud Challenge Week 5, Day 29 – Expansion

The Prospero Family now has a larger house with more conveniences like their new tv! And they are loving the extra space and comfort. Fortuna is very happy and both Rosabelle and Pawel are doing very well in their careers and have published quite a few books which earn them a good chunk of simoleons everyday.

 Starting Funds: §28,171

Fortuna and Pawel wake up first, she uses the new bathroom and shower while Pawel tends the garden.

Pawel tends the garden. He harvests the snapdragon  and lily flowers and then evolves the snapdragon flower to very nice quality.

Pawel tends the garden. He harvests the snapdragon and lily flowers and then evolves the snapdragon flower to very nice quality.

Pawel sells the flower crop he harvested to the local Farmers Market.

Harvest Value:

  • 10 snapdragons §65
  • 10 lilies §64
    • Sold §129, new funds §28300
After he mails his screenplay he finished at the library yesterday to the publishers.

After he mails his screenplay he finished at the library yesterday to the publishers.

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